I know I saw a member yesterday that was Canadian. All I want to know is how your healthcare system is. For so long, I have heard that you guys are socialists and are an enemy for supporting such a program. What is the true story? I am putting together a documentary and would like to know aw much as possible from your point of view.

Also, I am trying to put together a sob story for American's that have been affected by illegal immigrants. Those of you in the DFW area that have been DIRECTLY affected by illegal immigration, please send me a PM. I am looking for documentation, like medical bills so I can show the comparison between what the average American suffers, vs. what an illegal suffers.

I will be filming at schools, emergency rooms etc as long as i am allowed. I am so sick and tired of illegal sob stories, that it is time that we let the American voice be heard! I want to show Americans being denied for treatment, while illegals are approved.

My vision is to show the DFW area that they are victims of illegals. I want to show the face of the American suffering while illegals get a free pass. Me and my brother just purchased a video camera so we can do such films. It is time that America See's the problems that illegals cause.

The biggest issue I have run into is the schools. They REFUSE to give up budget costs for ESL programs. My daughter was sent home with a package from Time Magazine that would give our school money as long as we gave out the addresses of 7 people we know. My parents and grandparents are dead, and my wife doesn't know 7 people. Apparently, the kids are being pressured into doing this so the school can get money. I asked the ESL teacher if her kids were being pressured into this, since it is NO DOUBT that is is HER fault that we even need this money to begin with. I told the principal that if you didn't have the wasteful ESL program, then the school wouldn't have to pressure the kids into fund raising. I let her know that WILL NOT support that school in any way, until they get rid of ESL programs. I will give you $100 to guess who that "bad parent" is now. I have BEGGED for even an estimate as to how much Keller ISD's ESL programs cost us, but they refuse.

Now, the ESL class that I saw in September 2008, STILL speaks NO English, yet they will be integrated with my daughters class for 1st grade. Now, who do you think will get more attention, my daughter, or a kid that STILL speaks NO English after an ENTIRE year of Kindergarten? I am so pissed, and the district knows it! But I am the "bad" person.