Tonight I stopped at a Wawa on my way home from work. For those folks who do not know what a Wawa is, it is a big convenient store with lots of gas pumps like Sheets, much bigger than a Seven Eleven. I pulled into a parking space on the side of the building. Before I could get out of my car, an old beatup red SUV parked in the space beside of me. Out of the SUV climbed four hispanic males all with opened half-filled Corona beer bottles which they placed on top of the SUV. They were very loud and I could tell they were drunk. I was actually contemplating leaving but thought, I'm not going to let these creeps take away my freedom. I got out of my car and went into the store. When I returned to my car, they were behind their SUV urinating (even though there are restrooms inside the Wawa), and the opened Corona bottles were still on top of the SUV. I looked around because sometimes a sheriff car will be sitting in the parking lot. I did not see one. I got into my car and one of the men who could barely standup, got in front of my car and started moving his arms as if to tell me how to back out of the parking space. I drove straight to the sheriffs' office and reported the incident. Two sheriff cars headed to the Wawa. I knew they were illegals because I have never seen an American citizen brazenly get out of a car and place their half-emptied beer bottles on top of their car for everyone to see. They were breaking the law by driving with open alcohol containers in their car and didn't even try to hide it. I did not want to read in tomorrow's newspaper where these lawbreakers had killed someone while driving drunk.