Ron Paul Consultant Doug Wead Blacklisted At Fox and Friends per Karl Rove’s Request
August 3, 2011 by Jack Blood

I recently learned of a rumor from a credible source that Doug Wead– the presidential historian and former White House administration official under George Bush Sr., turned-consultant for Ron Paul 2012– has been blacklisted from the Fox News program Fox and Friends at the request of one Karl Rove.

Though he had appeared as a guest commentator before, it appears that shortly after Obama’s inauguration and right after Karl Rove scored a contract with Fox, the invitations stopped coming– at Rove’s request.

When I broke the story this June that Doug Wead had finally severed all ties to the establishment completely and joined the Ron Paul 2012 campaign, a few Doubting Thomases in discussion threads (e.g. at The Daily Paul) tried to call my “bluffâ€