A while back I asked the lone protester if I could use his articles/writings to post on the local forum because this area is in BAD NEED of education regarding illegal aliens and he said yes.

Once again I asked him if it was ok today BECAUSE THE LOCAL FORUM TOOK THE WHOLE THREAD I started dedicated to his writings and pulled it. The editor said something about "copyright infringement"
Please stop copy/pasting entire articles or works by other writers. It
is copyright infringement. If you would like to reference another's
work, you can certainly link to it.
but I verified that I have his permission so therefore someone else must not like the "FACTS".

I had on that thread also referenced this site for information regarding the fighting of illegal aliens and employer enforcement. Of course I gotten the "racist, bigot, etc." argument thrown at me. There's also a few others who post info in the fight against illegal aliens. We've put up several links regarding the SAVE act, stories, etc. Some get pulled and others don't.

I'll keep fighting for the cause and I know I'm not the only one defending our cause but I have a feeling it's going to get more heated and intense.

This is what I have to say right now:

Oh, that felt good to release some frustration