As a Republican voter and a conservative I find it utterly disgraceful how President Bush suddenly brings up the gay marriage ban in a lame attempt to woe the conservative base when election is a few months away. So conservatives are all of a sudden suppose to turn a blind eye and forget about all of the times President Bush and the Republican party have stabbed us in the back on immigration, spending, trade, economy, education and a wide array of other issues because now all of a sudden he cares about banning gay marriage? Well where was President Bush on this issue after the election was over in 2004? Color me cynical, but I think there are plenty of more important issues to take care of before we tackle gay marriage. If the Republican party wants to retain their base and hold onto their seats then they need to get behind a real leader who isn't afraid to tackle the most important issues of our time and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty and that man is Tom Tancredo. President Bush is a Republican in name only and is no friend to the conservatives and has shot every shred of credibility he once had. Given President Bush's track record I don't understand for the life of me why the Democrats dislike him. He's been the best president they'll ever had.