Thursday, March 30, 2006
Cafferty File...

I flipped on the television today and it was set to CNN and the topic of "news" was an e-mail question regarding a school in Texas that has been instructed to remove the Mexican flag from it flagpole.
Apparently the Principal had flown it along with the American and Texas State flag to show support for the mostly Mexican student population.
The newscaster proceeds to ask an e-mail question "Should the Mexican flag be allowed to fly in a public American School?"

Right after this enraging question has been posed there is a report about the impending tornados sweeping the Mid-West....

Well if there is a God they are defiantly progressive because they sure like to take a beating to those fly-over states.... Yeah I do consider MOST of Texas fly-over... Except San Antonio and Austin... Can't we cut off the rest of Texas and give it back??? Nah the Mexicans don't want it anymore its already been raped of its oil.

posted by Chicana Pero Picosa @ 4:15 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Chicano Power????

I started a debate with my friends referring them to this site to contact their senators and this is an e-mail that sprung up with the discussion about the Latino flags and such...
In order to respect this person's privacy I will keep it anonymous...

The problem is, people like Michelle Malkin don't get that.

She's basically just saying what conservatives are thinking about the tone of
some recent protests against enforcement-only immigration
legislation...Something to the effect of "We're scared sh*tless." It's
sad, but conservatives like her will always read what they want out of
our social movements. Every single Latino in these marches could have
been waving an American flag, and she would still have posted
something to this effect because she is *scared what she perceives as
the brown horde,* the scary, subhuman "other."

The fact is, people like us see this type of legislation as an attack
not just on immigrants, but on Latinos. Even those who are 3rd, 4th,
and 5th generation relate to the plight of undocumented workers
because for most of us, they are our parents and grandparents, our
neighbors and friends, the people we love.

I'm not denying that there are some crazy, radical, hateful Latinos
out there. The same way there are crazy, radical, hateful, whites.
Those Latinos embarrass me. But they are not representative of Latinos
in this country.

When we say "The border crossed us," the underlying sentiment (for
most of us) is not that we want to "reclaim" our land, but that we are
American too, and deserve respect, equality, and fair treatment.

When we say "Brown is beautiful," the underlying setiment (for most of
us) is not that Brown is better, but that our culture is not something
to be feared, but embraced.

When we say "Chicano Power," the underlying sentiment (for most of us)
is not that Chicanos should overpower, but that we have a significant
presence here, that the U.S. economy, especially the agricultural
sector, is built on the backs of Chicanos, and that we will use our
voice and presence to stand up for ourselves when are communities are

posted by Chicana Pero Picosa @ 10:01 PM 3 comments