China PLA officer urges challenging U.S. dominance

It is clear as day. China is rapidly building up their military for war against the United States and the money we send to them today for their products and debt on US Bonds may easily be used to kill our soldiers in the near future.

A war between the US and China could go very badly for the US for two reasons.

1. China has stolen our aerospace technology and can now deliver their nuclear weapons over the entire US.

2. China has hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens in the US and more coming in each and every day on cruise ships into Mexico. China has enough Chinese nationals in the US now to establish a land base of operations that could be resupplied with more provisions, troops, and ammo and march right across America!

The sheer size of China's population combined with their reproduction rate, if unregulated, would be enough to conquer the US if they simply bypass our technological superiority which is fading fast.

Soon the Chinese will be having manned space missions and we wont.

Americans had better wake up fast.