This is from a friends 17 year old daughter. If she can get it why can't the polititians.

Crristmas Madness!
The article I read titled, "Deck the Heels with Boughs of Holly" was written by Mike Adams. This article confronts the growing controversy of Christmas. Adams tells us of how the libraries at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will not be participating in the Christmas season. For years these libraries have been garlanded with Christmas trees. However, due to the ruling of Associate Provost Sarah Michalak, this tradition will cease to exist. She says that it was an act of toleration. Apparently, putting up a tree is an act of intolerance. Adams also addresses the question of "Was this a matter of freedom of religion?" with the very simple answer of no. Not even a full year after the 9/11 attacks this college assigned a book to freshmen, which was meant to teach students that the Islamic religion is a "religion of peace."
This is absolute ludicrous! What is the world coming to? Now not only do we have to be so politically correct that we are supposed to be saying "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas," but now is "intolerant" to have a tree with ornaments up in a library. I am all for tolerance however, this crosses the line. Christmas has been celebrated for over 2,000 years and whether or not people like it this country was founded on the Christian belief system. By making all of these rules and regulations regarding saying certain words and putting up a tree because we are afraid others will take offense to it, is ridiculous. Because of my religious beliefs I don't participate in Halloween, however when people wish me a Happy Halloween I am not offended in the slightest bit. Honestly, I think people need to stop their bellyaching and thicken their skin.
Kelsea 12/10/08