By Frosty Wooldridge
April 7, 2011

[Disclaimer: The opinion expressed in this article are solely those of Frosty Wolldridge and not necessary the opinion of NWV, it's staff or other writers.]

On the eve of watching our Congress financially destroy the federal government’s ability to maintain solvency, 535 members passed a budget to stagger and stumble our country toward an unknown destination. Congress kicked the can down the road.

Didn’t you find it almost comical how they argued over $2 billion for trifling concerns? What they ended up with turned out to be a joke. That joke places you in the cross-hairs of financial decline.

Out of $1.3 trillion, they cut money that would be something like the size of a dime in an Olympic- sized swimming pool. Whoopee-do and yahoo! Go get ‘em Congress critters!

What good did they do? Answer: they slapped a half-inch round band-aid on a half-mile-sized boil!

Does our Congress possess any understanding of mathematical equations? Apparently, they cannot subtract, add, divide or multiply. That shows up in our $14 trillion federal debt. Instead of reducing it, they grow it. Ultimately, it will collapse our entire financial system. It shows up in our $700 billion annual trade deficit. It shows up in our failing Medicare and Medicaid. It shows up in our $900 billion military budgets.

It shows up in our 40 year War on Drugs at $80 billion annually spent for absolutely nothing in results for four decades. Oh, I forgot, we’ve put something like 34 million kids in jail for smoking a “doobieâ€