On Thursday Stan Weeks, Director of Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform, tesified at the state capitol opposing instate tuition for illegal ailens. sb126

Stan created a lot of media attention when he asked the Senate committee chairmen, Bob Bacon, to clear the room except the "people," As stated in the Colorado constitution. As a result my speech was quoted in snipets through different media outlets.

For those interested here is what I said:

The last ten years Colorado has faced an invasion of illegal aliens occupying our state illegally. Our demographics have changed for the worse.

There is an epidemic of anchor babies in Colorado and the United States.

These people presume on the kindness and generosity of Colorado's citizens and burden scarce resources.

They cost State and local government and deplete charities.

They are illegally building a better life on the backs of Colorado citizens.

Their exploiters in business, politics, and today I discover College administrators, are the winners.

My vision is a Colorado where we cut off benefits to illegal aliens.

We focus short term resources on detecting, detaining, and deporting them and jail their employers.

Next we look at our immigration needs and bring in legal immigrants to fill those needs.

In this situation legal immigrants will be welcomed in our communities.

Then we can consider benefits to encourage legal aliens to come and stay.

Senate bill 126, giving instate tuition to illegal aliens rewards the current illegal migration.

It empowers employers in business and the radical political fringe by creating and incentive to
unlawfully enter Colorado.

Our state legislature should not increase the economic, social, and spiritual burden on Coloradoans.

Put America first and vote no on SB 126.