Hagan Town hall to address immigration reform

News & Record (Greensboro, NC)
September 03, 2009 Thursday
Greensboro Edtion Variation Edition


GREENSBORO - Advocates for immigration reform set up a town hall meeting today, Thursday, Sept. 3rd, to discuss the issue with U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan's staff.

The public is invited to attend the 7 p.m. meeting at Congregational United Church of Christ.

The meeting provides an "opportunity for both the church and the community at-large to learn more about the issue and to have some of our elected representatives hear more about the issues and to speak about reform," the Rev. Julie Peeples said.

Hagan won't be able to attend but is sending her state deputy director, said deputy press secretary Sadie Weiner.

"I strongly believe we need to focus on comprehensive immigration reform to ensure all immigration laws are being enforced equally throughout the state and the country," Hagan said in a statement.

Hagan, a Greensboro Democrat who opposes amnesty for illegal immigrants, said reform should focus on "strengthening our borders, holding employers accountable and cracking down on entities that knowingly hire illegal workers, and cutting off the flow of illegal immigrants into our country."

She said the country needs to strengthen its guest-worker programs and make sure "we are giving employers the resources they need to follow the rules, be competitive and thrive."

Participants will be able to submit written questions for a session at the end, Peeples said.

The meeting will include personal accounts from immigrants, many who live in fear of being stopped while driving to the store or being separated from their children, she said.

FaithAction International, a nonprofit, faith-based group that runs an Immigrant Assistance Center, is among the sponsors.

"Our goal for this meeting is, more than anything, for immigrants' stories to be heard," said center Director Eric Francisco Jonas, "so that perspective is taken into account when thinking about immigration reform and immigration laws."

The meeting is one of a series of events across the state this month promoting a resolution to immigration reform, Peeples said.

"We are encouraging faith communities to study this issue carefully, to get the facts," she said.

Contact Jennifer Fernandez at 373-7064 or jennifer. fernandez@news-record.com

The public meeting will be held today, Thursday, Sept. 3rd, at Congregational United Church of Christ.

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