These comments are rolling into the AZ Republic web-site after a reader asked a columnist if illegal aliens had a right to openly protest in the US. He told the writer that they did. The following arrogant comments followed. (This is just a sampling)

03/24/06 @ 15:37
How would INS take them home? In a van?

It's amazing how clueless rightwingers can be about the sheer size and importance of Mexican labor in America. Mass deportations, walls, the American military cannot begin to address the reality of this situation. It's beyond the cheap demagoguery of pols like JD Hayworth. It's way beyond the airhead fantasies of the Minutemen. You're not going to change this situation with your witless "get tough" policies. That train is long gone.
03/24/06 @ 15:51
Only an idiot would ASSUME that all those folks were illegals. I was there. I'm a US Citizen and so were thousands of folks, who just like me are fed up with this hypocrisy: You don't want them here but you can't live without the fruits of their labor. I wonder where your ancestors are from and if they had 'papers' when they came here.
03/24/06 @ 16:09
The crime being committed is by the Americans who use their labor and talents, pay them substandard wages, collect their taxes and offer no representation. We dehumanize them and have made them our new slave labor. If they are sent away, who will pick my strawberries? Certainly not the people protesting their presence here. We will be judged by the actions we do unto the least of our brothers (and sisters). God help you all.
03/24/06 @ 16:21
Why do you Righties always think that immigrants = illegals??? Wake up and smell the coffee! How about Christians = rascists??? That makes about as much sense (maybe more).
03/24/06 @ 16:43
for all the people who want us LATINOS out well the only people that are going to suffer are you because:
1. who is going to run foreign businesses?
2. who will plant crop in this country?
3. who will actually pick the crop for all of YOU to eat?
4. who will fill in all the job positions that are open?

yeah none of you because its too hard.. and without us LATINOS nothing would get done around here. LATINOS get any job in order to get some money to support their families. They aren't too picky about whether their nails are gonna break or if they are gonna get their shoes or their clothes dirty. US LATINOS are down for anything in order to help our families. Where is the freedom in this country?? Where is the equal opportunity?? As an 100% Latino I strongly disagree with all the drama this government puts down against latinos. If there are no latinos in this country where is the cultural diversity?? this country is a place of opportunity not a place of hypocrisy and racism. IF THERE IS NO PEOPLE THERE IS NO LIFE...
03/24/06 @ 16:43
History shows that this was mexico land. Sorry Americans "WE WERE HERE FIRST" read your history books. I may not be from mexico but as a MEXICAN AMERICAN I would not want the state to control me having to show ID every where I go... I thought the 50's were over. First the blacks now the mexicans when will it be the white mans turn???? Your next
03/24/06 @ 16:49
All you people who are for this proposition are mad because without us LATINOS United States would be nothing. so all you people think before doing something that will hurt you....