Reach out and wecome the 911 LIVING victims.. to the fold.

How do we comprehend their pain, their loss,, of their blood, their life??
Our govermental representatives --- that we hired to serve & protect us,,, sold us out. They've known we were being infiltrated & over run by Illegals.

But the 911 victims are now on the front lines of our loss.
5 YEARS LATER THEY now understand the Reality, that our government has a plan---- that does not include WE the People.

The agony of the surviving 911 victims,,,with pain we can't comprehend,,,, finally faced the truth.
And now they feel the incredibe disconnect of the.... Bush white house and our (?) congress.
REACH OUT to our 911 American families. Imagine your son daughter father brother sister-- vaporized. Whewww.
For the congress we trusted to represent and protect,,who have lost their way.
Find the addresses of the 911 families.
Say hello.
Talk with them