LA VOZ DE AZTLAN is under investigation by Homeland Security.

<><><> Los Angeles, Alta California <><><><>

January 9, 2006

Latinos Meet to Mobilize Against Nativist Immigration Legislation and Attacks
The National Alliance for Human Rights, a network of individuals and organizations committed to the promotion of human rights, social justice, and political empowerment, will be holding an emergency meeting at the Norman F. Feldheym Central Library Auditorium, located at 555 West 6th Street, San Bernardino, Thursday, January 12, from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m.

The meeting’s agenda will focus on strategically formulating a Mexicano/Latino coordinated response to the pending federal and state immigration legislation being considered in Washington and Sacramento and on the escalating nativist attacks on the Mexicano/Latino communities.
The main speaker will be Congressman Joe Baca, who will report on efforts by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus to defeat the U.S. Border Protection, Anti-Terrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control proposed by Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R) recently approved by the House of Representatives. Other reports will be made by invited Assemblyman Joe Baca Jr., who will address State Senator Gil Cedillos’ pending Driver’s License legislation; Mexican Consul Carlos Giralt Cabrales, who will report on the Mexican government’s opposition to the Sensenbrenner legislation and on the latest shooting border incident.

Several organizational representatives will also report as to their activities against the various aspects of the escalating immigration crisis. Enrique Morones, representative of the San Diego County based Gente Unida Coalition, and others will report on their anti-Minuteman Project organizing efforts.

According to Armando Navarro, NAHR Coordinator, “The purpose of the meeting is to strategically initiate a Latino organizing and mobilization process for 2006 in California that will produce a coordinated strategy designed to defeat the Senenbrenner legislation. In addition, to formulate a pro-active response by Latinos to the escalating nativist anti-immigrant attacks and politics, specifically being directed against Mexicanos and Latinos, first within San Bernardino and Riverside Counties; secondly the state; and thirdly, the nation.�

“Understanding the horrific anti-immigrant political climate rampant throughout the country and the severity of the consequences of the racist Sensenbrenner legislation, in particular the building of an Iron Curtain along the U.S./Mexico border, Mexicanos and Latinos in this country are under a state of siege reminiscent of the McCarthy Era, the difference being that the Bush Administration and nativist Republicans are targeting not communists, but us as their targets of persecution,� Navarro added.

With the Sensenbrenner Legislation now before the Senate, the National Alliance for Human Rights urges all individuals and organizations that care about human rights and social justice to come to the meeting to learn, get involved, have input, and make a difference in efforts to persuade the Senate to defeat it and embrace a viable immigration legalization reform program.

Moreover, with the anti-immigrant and Mexican political climate worsening and the importance of the upcoming congressional elections, 2006 needs to be a year of massive mobilizations, activism, and political participation to countervail the heinous, racist and nativist crusade.

(b)Note to readers and subscribers of La Voz de Aztlan:
A representative of La Voz de Aztlan will present a report at the above meeting of the National Alliance for Human Rights concerning the December 23, 2005 visit of 4 special agents of Homeland Security to the headquarters of the Internet news and information service. The special agents interrogated its publisher and copied the hard disk of the news service which compromised its entire worldwide subscription list. (/b)

Related La Voz de Aztlan News Bulletin:

From Today’s Paper:
Report: MS-13 gang hired to murder Border Patrol
By Sara A. Carter and Mason Stockstill, Staff Writers

Mexican alien smugglers plan to pay violent gang members and smuggle them into the United States to murder Border Patrol agents, according to a confidential Department of Homeland Security memo obtained by the Daily Bulletin.
The Officer Safety Alert, dated Dec. 21, warns agents that the smugglers intend to bring members of the international Mara Salvatrucha street gang also known as MS-13 into the country for the deadly mission.

La Voz De Aztlan on MS-13:
Mara Salvatruchas to take on the Minutemen vigilantes

by Ernesto Cienfuegos
La Voz de Aztlan
Topics: Minuteman Project, Gangs, crime, Minutemen, MS-13, Security, Border Patrol, Americans, Illegal Aliens

Los Angeles, Alta California - March 1, 2005 - (ACN) It looks like there is going to be a "showdown at OK corral" on April 1st in Tombstone, Arizona. A high level leader of the Mara Salvatruchas, Ebner Anivel Rivera-Paz, has issued orders, from federal prison, to members of his extremely violent organization to teach the Minutemen vigilantes a lesson they will never forget, La Voz de Aztlan has learned.

The Mara Salvatruchas (MS-13) are a consequence of USA policies in Central America and are just another example of "the chickens coming home to roost". Its members are the sons of immigrants from El Salvador and other Central American countries that were forced to flee because of the CIA instigated war during the Reagan Administration that completely destroyed the physical, economic, social, religious and cultural infrastructure of the region. MS-13 was founded in Los Angeles by the offspring of the immigrants for protection. Later, many of the members were deported back to Central America where they expanded their operations and joined up with former members of the Farabundo MartÃÂ* National Liberation Front (FMLN) .

Today, the Mara Salvatruchas (Gang Land by Malkin) have grown immensely in numbers and their network has expanded through Mexico all the way to Canada. The extremely violent group controls large portions of the drug, stolen vehicle and immigrant smuggling operations along the US/Mexico border and will not put up with clowns like the Minutemen vigilantes. The amateurish Minutemen may be in for a big surprise on April Fools Day and on the subsequent days that they plan to patrol the border with Mexico in Arizona. The Mara Salvatruchas are known to cut the "testicles" of their enemies and feed them to their vicious dogs. Other times they have cut the heads off their opponents to play football soccer with them. These are not people to mess around with.

There is a good probability that very few cowardly Minutemen vigilantes will show up on April 1st in Tombstone, Arizona. The principal imbeciles organizing the event are known to be mere loudmouths. The morons think that they will be just having "some fun in the sun" hunting down defenseless Mexican migrant workers but instead may meet up with the devil himself. Satan has a very warped sense of humor and April 1st would be an excellent day to express it.

La Voz De Aztlan On Jews:

On Nick Berg:

Nick Berg decapitation video declared "a fraud" by medical doctor


Contact Joe Baca

I have two offices where you can write or call--one in Washington, D.C., and one in San Bernardino, California. I'm always open to any ideas that Inland Empire residents have, so please feel free to contact me at either one of my offices. I am always interested in your questions, comments, concerns or problems you may be having with the federal government.
Via Computer

Contact Joe Baca

In Person

District Office
201 North "E" Street, Suite 102
San Bernardino, CA 92401
(909)885-BACA (2222)
Map On Mapquest
Washington, D.C. Office
328 Cannon House Off. Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20515-0542
Map On Mapquest

Media Contacts
Michael Levin: (202) 225-6161
Linda Macias: (202) 225-6161