Lib Radio Host Tells NAACP National Convention Trayvon Martin Killing “Nothing More Than A Modern Day Lynching”…

The NAACP’s national convention opened today in Orlando so we can expect a flood of stories like this.

Via Orlando Sentinel:

Today’s opening speeches of the NAACP’s national convention in Orlando have become a rallying cry for action in Trayvon Martin’s name.

NAACP president and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous told hundreds of attendees that although these are times of great possibility, they are also “times of great peril.”

“We feel it every time we see one of our young sons…walk out the door and pull his hoodie up,” said Jealous. [...]

Sirius XM Satellite Radio host Joe Madison called the teen’s killing “nothing more than a modern day lynching. George Zimmerman became the judge, jury and executioner.”

Crump called upon attendees to join a march in Washington, D.C., on Aug. 24. That event will focus on voting rights, fair wages and fairness in the criminal justice system.

ZIP | July 15, 2013 3:08 pm