I did not intend to watch tonights debate and waste any more time the
same old same old.

Then, I was just going to watch a few minutes....then I was hooked.
I kept waiting for the biggie topic (illegal immigration) and built up
quite a bit of rage that it was barely squeezed in at the last. Im glad
I watched it though. Fred did so good. I was glad I took the time to
watch them all.

I think we all got the chance to see a spirited Fred with definite solutions
to real problems. I thought Paul cleaned McCains clock on Iraq.
Huckabee sounded good but is untrustworthy Romney did ok, but
he just doesnt seem to catch fire. Of course McCain and Rudi vie
for last place with me.

To me illegals trump most every other issue, actually ALL of them.

Anyone else share my views?