Well, Well, Well.... Its looks like a large majority of the crowd at CPAC for the McCain speech were McCain supports. Video and pictures at link below.

Video: McCain at CPAC–not quite The Uniter yet
By Michelle Malkin • February 7, 2008 05:30 PM

I sat in the back of the ballroom for McCain’s speech. Here’s a short vid clip that gives you a sense of the mix of boos and cheers. The other half of the room also had a front-loaded contingent of McCain supporters and a back-loaded chorus of booers. (Update: Added more photos below.)

One thing I noted was that the crowd included a much larger continent of older attendees than the other sessions. A significant number of anti-McCain people didn’t make it into the room. One attendee told me the overflow room was raucously, anti-McCain–with only a handful of pro-McCain folks.

McCain repeatedly stressed his gratitude for the speaking opportunity and referred to his differences with conservatives in almost every other sentence.

I don’t think a CPAC speaker has ever stressed his differences so many times before the conservative base–not even Sam Donaldson!

I respect his decision to stand in the lion’s den, and I agreed with much of the speech. I found myself nodding as he touted his opposition to ethanol subsidies, national catastrophic insurance, and the Medicare prescription drug benefit. But I don’t for a minute buy his claim that he “respects the oppositionâ€