I live on a street where it's rare that I hear music in English coming from either the cars going down the street or the windows of the homes. I get so sick of hearing everything in Spanish at full volume.

I suggest that if you feel like I do, that you put on some good old patriotic classics and crank up the volume for your neighbors to enjoy on May 1st. Here are a few suggestions:

... God Bless The USA by Lee Greenwood, Battle Hymn Of The Republic by Shedaisy, Star Spangled Banner by Marvin Gaye (live), God Bless America by Kate Smith, ...

These are beautiful songs that I personally would love to hear on my street once in a while, especially on a day when people who are here illegally will be boycotting agains the country that is giving them "a better life".

Oh... and please put out your American flag too.

Save California!