Many people who fight illegal immigration don't realize that is just a symptom of a bigger problem. The REAL problem is CORPORATE GREED. Corporations don't care about your rights, our Constitution and laws of our country. They care only about TWO THINGS; PROFIT and CHEAP LABOR.

That's why they lobby Congress to allow outsourcing and free trade, so that they can move manufacturing offshore where there's cheap labor. They also want to gobble up smaller companies. They use their profits to buy congressmen to cancel laws which limit them, like the law which required that all aircraft parts are made in US, or laws that limited companies from owning too many tv stations and newspapers.

What we're seeing is the rise of CORPORATE MONOPOLIES which will ROLL OVER OUR RIGHTS AND OUR COUNTRY if we don't stop them. They take our jobs and our industries and send them overseas, and promote the creation of North American Union in order to destroy our sovereignty and constitutional protections.

What they want ultimately is a society of very rich and the poor. They want to profit from you as an employee who works for very low wages, and then profit from you again by forcing you to buy their goods. I believe that they "BOUGHT" Bush and many republican congressmen to DO NOTHING about this illegal invasion because it provides cheap labor for them.

Incidentally, Hillary's socialist Health plan is another example because it would FORCE everyone to pay for the corporate health insurance.

The future is bleak for freedom-loving people because this country is being dismantled and turned into a corporate GULAG. Here's another example of corporate greed. According to this preacher, there was a GIANT OIL find in Alaska in the 1970's, but oil execs covered it up. We could be energy independent and pay less than $1 a gallon for gas if this wasn't covered up:

"Oil Secrets
Minister Lindsey Williams shared suppressed knowledge regarding oil companies and their supplies that he said he learned of as a chaplain to Alaskan oil pipeline workers in the 1970s. During this time, he was invited to join a meeting of the top oil company officials, where it was announced they had just discovered the largest oil pool in North America (and possibly the world). The location, under Gull Island, in the waters of Prudhoe Bay in Alaska, would provide more than enough oil and natural gas for the next 200 years, Williams was reportedly told.

Yet, the day after the meeting, he was informed that the discovery was "classified," and he later learned that oil companies weren't going to announce the new supply until the price of oil had reached $150 a barrel.

Williams said he also found out that crude oil was chosen in the early 1960s as a "method of control," and by having it sold in US currency it helped pay off America's national debt. The fact that oil is not currently being sold in dollars by many countries has contributed to the decline in value of the dollar, he noted, and may pave the way for the 'Amero,' the supposed currency of a North American Union. "

Here's the link:

My question to you is, what are you doing about stopping this corporate takeover? I hope you realize that things are gonna keep getting worse unless we do something about it.