Taken from the Forsyth County Republican Precint newsletter February
Dave Griffith is Candidate for Sheriff
Insult of Illegal Immigration

There has been and continues to be much talk and political posturing on the subject
of illegal immigration. While there are many views and opinions about the issue,
one of the main points has been missed entirely. The INSULT that our so called political
leaders continue to slap in the faces of law abiding American citizens, citizens by
birth and those who have been naturalized legally.
This is a nation of immigrants; we come from all parts of the world. People have
come from the very beginning of this great experiment that we call America. They
came hungry for the freedoms and opportunities that were and are available no where
else in the world. They came to start families, raise their children, make homes for
themselves and build a country for future generations to enjoy. No matter what their
origin, Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, from every country on every continent,
they came and have made this great country what it is today. But, they did it with honor
and dignity and did it legally. They taught their children by example to do things the
right way and to be proud to be a part of this country. They didn’t give up their heritage
but, they became AMERICANS and adapted to the customs that had been developed
by all those who had come before them.
So, why is it now that many Latino people feel that they are entitled to demand
what others have had to work for? Many Latin American people have come before
them and became citizens the legal and proper way. Is it not an insult to all those legal
citizens to now just say “o wellâ€