I found this on another forum, and I believe it's a good idea.

I'm an old man, and I am disgusted about what has happened to our Country. I've written letters until my fingers are sore. I've faxed, phoned, and signed petitions that our spinless politians don't even acknowledge.
We all have. I believe it time for us to do something en-mass. I think our country is in serious trouble, and unless we do something quickly, it will be to late. Tancredo for President.
What do you guys think?

Every American citizen needs to know that a legal means for us to stop the flooding of our country by people who don't like America is nearing. In May 2006, the illegals made their intentions clear:

They marched and challenged America to HURT her, to THREATEN her. "We're here and we're not leaving!" they screamed into the cameras, carrying tens of thousands of manufactured flags of THEIR countries. "Gringos must go!"

The newly elected tell us we gave them a mandate, which we have not. But they will soon pass an amnesty bill which the president will sign.


Nothing has worked since the years before the war--not the millions of signatures on throusands of petitions, not the tens of thousands of phone calls and faxes to the Congress and the White House, not the voting-out of those who had no courage for the political fight . . . not even the killing of our brother and sister Americans on September 11th got the borders closed.

What has been propsoed is one of the last peaceful means to protect our future as Americans:

Take one day out of our lives for our country. One day to make our voice heard in Washington and every corporate office not only in America but around the world.

Make March 15th a Day For America. Stay home that one day for your nation's future and the future of your children.

No work. No school. No shopping. No Travel.

Spend the day with your family . . . your American family. Our action as AMERICAN CITIZENS--shutting down America for LOVE OF COUNTRY--will fire a real warning shot across the bow of those who have written off the American people. Even our international enemies will take notice. Because you know that a united American citizenry is their greatest fear.

It is time to say "NO MORE" and stay home for one nonviolent day--sacrifice one day--which could change the course of our history. This is something they--the politicos, the corporations, our enemies-- have NEVER seen before.

Show them we are willing to do more than complain about their catering to special interest groups.

Make us, the American citizenry, the special interest group, the largest one they will ever see.

As the originator of this idea says every day:

Think American . . . Be American . . . Live Unafraid.