Here is a fantastic site that will give you all sorts of demographics on your own towns and cities.

This information can be extremely helpful in understanding the impact of illegal immigration on your own community. As well, there is a lot of information available through your own local police department(s).

I encourage all of our members to use such resources to become more educated about our own communities, and especially the changes in immigrant (no it will not say who is legal or not, and the numbers may be off as how easy is it to get illegal aliens to be counted by government officials?) populations within the last ten years, the median incomes (have they gone down or up, and maybe why?), crime stats, poverty issues (down or up?).

Now I know that FAIR has some information, but it is by state. CIS also has some, but the same applies.

We all need to know more about where we live locally, about changes in populations, and how those changes have affected long time residents and neighborhoods.

What I found about my own community was this:

Gresham, Oregon
97,745 (as of 07/06)
$41,116.00 is the median income in 05' (it was $43,442.00 in 2000)
78.9% claim being white
11.9% claim being Hispanic
7.0% claim being "other"
3.8% two races
2.0% Native American
1.9% black
.9% Asian
.5% Filipino

13.1% are foriegn born with 7.4% of that being from Latin America, 2.5% Asia, 2.3 European

As well, I found in our local paper that local police have identified 114 gangs all within our towns city limits, the gangs are predominantly Latino.

Where is your town right now? Find out, it can be a real eye opener if you have never looked it all up before. Good luck!