Adios Arizona and Hola Chicago
.Michael Ciric on 07.30.10 at 11:59 PM

The new Arizona Immigration Law, even in its' watered-down state, still has many Mexicans leaving Arizona. Meanwhile, the Mexican Government has boosted legal services for their citizens residing in Arizona, while the Mexican State of Sonora has built new shelters in anticipation of an expected reverse influx of returning Nacionales. The Christian Science Monitor's website's lead photo on Thursday, shows a Mexican family of 10 selling all of their possessions ahead of their impending move north to Chicago. This family fears detection in Phoenix and has decided the time has come to leave.

So, for these Mexican Nacionales, it is Adios Arizona and Hola Chicago.

Chicago that Toddlin' Sanctuary Town will now open it's arms to another wave of illegals due to it's open support of illegals. The City of Chicago has long decided that Arizona's new law would not be implemented here and has even declared their intention of boycotting Arizona businesses. Of course, that boycott doesn't include Chicago's lucrative business ties to the Arizona firms that manage Chicago's Red Light Cameras and Fine Enforcement. It seems to me, that Arizona may still have the last laugh on Chicago when it comes to their boycott. Then again, maybe those Red Light Camera fines will help support that new influx into the city. A traffic fine is certainly more palpable than deportation. Maybe a Daley connected insurance agency could even offer discount auto insurance policies.

Still, I wonder how Mayor Daley will factor in the entire cost and drain to public services that the new residents will cost in his upcoming budget? Isn't Mayor Daley's upcoming budget already beset with a huge projected deficit? Maybe King Richie II has an ulterior motive to solving his budget largess. It could be that Daley really does have a solution to the budget deficit that will blossom with new revenues. He could increase the fines and fees to offset the increase in new residents, too. No one really knows how his superior mind of minds works. We will just have to wait and see I guess.

One thing we do know already, though. Sanctuary costs every legal resident dearly. Whether it be in Property Taxes or New Fees and Tariffs. The fact is, you cannot offset the effects of illegal migrations into any local economy. Human Services and Schools are already over burdened and on the verge of financial collapse. Add to that a regional unemployment rate of nearly 14% and now it becomes a dire strain on social welfare services, health care and school district budgets that are already owed millions of dollars with no prospect of payment from our deadbeat legislature in Springfield.

Neighborhoods will continue to decay and crime will increase. The illegal drug trade is the greatest single side effect associated with these illegal migrations. Of course, not every illegal is a drug mule, but the drug trade flourishes via illegals none the less.

I, for one, can't see how an economic boom develops by accepting more people under the auspices of sanctuary. To call sanctuary a human rights issue or even being morally correct is a bunch of bullshit. It is irrational and delusional. Breaking the law is not a valid prerequisite for gaining entry to the U.S. A., or any other country.

What exactly is the benefit to the City of Chicago by being a safe haven? What kind of valid argument can there be considering the putrid results to date?

All we get from our politicians is hypocrisy. They decry the increase of crime in the city and then blame the F.B.I. for the increase in gang and gun violence, the drug and gun trade, the human trafficking and prostitution. Then, these same politicians deliberately ignore federal immigration laws and offer zero cooperation to federal agents trying to make a difference. Mayor Daley constantly whines about the Feds and blames it on frustration.

The frustration, Mr. Mayor, is your dumb ass routine. It has gotten as stale as the city has gotten more dangerous.

Maybe one day, the law-abiding citizens of Chicago will just throw their hands up in the air and decide that their frustration of living in danger just isn't worth it anymore. Those citizens will then tell you to shove it as the car doors slam in unison.

They'll head for the highway and with one final disappointing look back, tell you:

Adios Chicago and Vaya con Dios!