State Children's Health Insurance Program.

I've seen these commercials playing on the Fox cable news channel the last couple of weeks. It's the most wholesome looking thing I've seen since Ozzie and Harriet, innocent children's faces and soft child-like music playing, blue skies, butterflies, etc. The truth though is it's a complete NIGHTMARE. As if we don't give enough to illegals already.

"Illegal immigrants are about to get an unexpected boost thanks to the Democratic Congress," House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said in a statement Thursday.

"The Democrats have a proposal that not only raises taxes on middle class families and slashes funding for a popular Medicare program ... it eliminates the requirement that persons applying for Medicaid or SCHIP service show proof of citizenship or nationality." ... 0727a.html

A couple of weeks ago I sent e-mails to all 100 senators concerning this insanity. They are stating to push it hard, looks like we need to push back.