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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Scottsbluff, Nebraska

    PROPOSAL: Border Plan!!

    Every once in a while, a good idea remains elusive until a serious problem brings it into the limelight. Such a workable idea has presented itself to me and I am seeking as many as are willing to help send me to the border to implement this IMMEDIATELY.

    Not only am I a U.S. Army veteran who spent four years as a radio communications technician (29E) with military intelligence batallions, but I am also an "Extra Class" amateur radio operator (ham radio), which is the highest license one can obtain in the volunteer Ham Radio Service.

    Several border watch groups have asked for Ham Radio operators to take part in their operations, as communications are absolutely essential between volunteer groups and our border patrol agency. Since ham radio is a non-profit communications service, we aren't allowed to accept payment for the services we offer. HOWEVER, it is within FCC Part 97 rules to accept donations of equipment or funding to obtain equipment for emergency use - as long as the actual act of communications themselves do NOT bring in any form of income whatsoever. With that out of the way, I present to you a workable communications capability for our border watch forces:

    Ham radio operators have been implementing a new technology we have produced called APRS, which stands for Automated Position Reporting System. The equipment doesn't necessarily have to be used strictly with ham radio equipment or with the ham radio services. The equipment can be implemented with ANY radio service - including that which is utilized at the border.

    APRS uses Global Positioning System satellites to triangulate a precise location through GPS receivers. GPS receivers are connected to a laptop computer and a special radio modem called a Terminal Node Controller (TNC). The TNC takes the signal from the GPS receiver, turns it into an audible analog radio signal called a PACKET. It is a short burst of information giving the location, direction, speed and heading of the tracked person or object (such as a vehicle, aircraft or anything else which moves).

    Digipeaters could be set up to cover the entire width of the border over time. Digipeaters are specialized repeaters which take weak signals from the low-wattage tracking systems, amplifies them and retransmits them over a large distance. One digipeater can serve approximately 30 miles to either side of it, or a total of 60 miles total. Digipeaters can be strategically placed so that they can "digipeat" signals all across a large area of hundreds of miles!

    Below is a scenario in which this could be implemented:

    Each volunteer watchman would have a tracking system at their locations. And, each Border Patrol post could be convinced to have a receiver and laptop running map software also. Each volunteer location would have a callsign or tactical number assigned to their systems. In our case, let us use ABC123 and XYZ321

    Border patrol can see the exact locations of every volunteer in the communications networks on the computer screen, stationary OR moving. ABC123 sees a group of 12 people sneaking across the border on a night watch through night-vision and infrared imaging equipment. ABC123 makes a phone call to the nearest Border Patrol point and would simply say "This is ABC123. I have spotted a group of 12 individuals who have just crossed the line within <this number of yards> <direction> from my location, heading <direction of movement>."

    Border Patrol agents would then look at the map and would be able to see where ABC123 is located precisely, which would reduce the amount of time Border Patrol would have to spend looking for the place from where the report came before they could then find the illegal perpetrators!

    Further, if this occurs on a night watch, darkness can conceal the location of the trained spotter who could take the portable tracking unit and actually strap it on his/her person. The spotter could then trail the group of the immigrants from a safe direction so as to minimize the chance of giving away his/her location. Border patrol could watch the computer screen as the spotter is walking behind the illegal group which would bring Border Patrol right up on the illegals. Immediate arrest, processing and deportation with absolute silence. They would never know what hit them until it was too late to run.

    It would cost approximately $500 for each small and lightweight portable tracking system, and approximately another $1,500 for each tower and digipeater. Ten digipeaters would span approximately 600 miles. Twenty digipeaters would provide reliable communications for over 1,200 miles of our borders!!!

    If private sector individuals could use civilian produced gear for such a specialized communications network, it would be cheaper than if government were to establish such a network. What would cost about $50,000 for civilians to do, would cost at least three to six times more were government to establish such a network. And, of course, you would pay more in taxes than if you were to simply donate willingly to such a project.

    I considered presenting this information to government. However, considering it would cost you more in taxes over time as opposed to giving the people a chance to voluntarily donate toward such a program - I chose to present my case to you, the individual, first! Besides, there is a great possibility that government wouldn't do anything with this anyway as we already have found that government doesn't really seem to want to do anything but offer amnesty program after amnesty program, undermining the laws we already have on the books.

    I am just a common, average every-day man with a family who I need to ensure has food on the table and a roof over their heads. This, in and of itself is a full-time job (to say the very least). What I am proposing then, is to ask YOU if you would be willing to help me in making sure my family is adequately taken care of while I am away at the border assisting in establishing communications for our voluteers at the border?

    I always plan things properly, and I would love for nothing else than to be able to include you and hopefuly thousands of others into those plans! Here is your opportunity to work with someone to literally make a huge difference at the border without you actually having to go to the border yourself! Are you with me??

    I am calling on a core group of individuals who are able to envision what I am saying here, and who can see that this would really work. It's not an inexpensive proposition, no. However, it would go a long way in building up our border, permitting each and every one of us an opportunity to actually make something happen for a change.

    I've seen so many folks here on forums stating that all we do is talk and repeat things over and over while no real solution is provided. I am asking for your help in changing all of that!

    Now, I realize that we are all bomarded day in and day out with people asking for money. Girl and Boy Scouts want to hit us up for cookies. Political activists ask for money to subsidize them over specific goals. Candidates ask for money but still lose races. It gets "thick" and if we were to donate to every single person, rest assured we would all need not TWO full time jobs, but THREE. Can anyone add another twelve hours to a day? Not hardly.

    In our case, however, we are talking about something much more important than cookies, donuts, political candidates who will probably forget you once they are installed into office anyway.

    Another thing I'm sure we are all in agreement of, is how many people HIDE their true identity and the true reasons they want your funds. Many are self-serving yet use a situation as cover for their true desires - to simply get free money with which to live a free life funded by others. I've given my hard earned money to such individuals in my lifetime and found out later it was a scam or that they weren't intending on doing what they said they were going to do with it. This is damnable, inconsiderate and outright un-American.

    As for me, I will not hide my intentions. I make it clear that all support and funding will go to assisting me in positioning my wife and children so they can survive while I go and spend my time at the border helping our volunteer men and women - AND YES, our Border Patrol in going through the options available in establishing a complete border communications network with GPS Positioning equipment!!

    Every volunteer with an email address will be kept up to date and a website will be established where supporters can see the equipment and implementation of where their funds are going. If border patrol and our volunteers suddenly decide they don't want what we are offering, you will NOT be asked for another dime! You will be told the project has been rejected and everyone will be told to stop sending support and funding immediately as I pack my bags, head home and obtain employment for myself. I want nothing for myself unless I can make progress!

    I am providing an email address I've established so any of you who are interested in this idea, have questions or comments can contact me upon which I will respond asap. True supporters who prove to me they are truly interested in helping me - again, just your average everyday fellow - in going to our Southern border, I can also provide you with a mailing address, phone number and more information about me so you can see that I have nothing to hide here. However, I must provide this information ONLY to those who are with me, not against me - as providing such information directly on a board can expose my family to hateful individuals. We honestly don't need assaults on our home - especially if you choose to help in sending me to our borders to present this information and demonstrate the equipment to those who need it most.

    For now, I'm not asking for any funding or anything else. What I am interested in, is to see if there are enough of us willing to make this thing happen. If you help in providing the way, I will go and serve. I challenge you to find many others who would be willing to drop their personal lives and to leave their families for months for the sake of a safe and secure United States! Chances are - you aren't going to find many.

    Pro Patri Vigilans!!


    P.S.: My ham radio callsign is N0IHC If you would like to see the tracking in action, you may do so by going to the following:

    Scroll down to the yellow box and in the first line where it says "Call" enter N0IHC (that is a ZERO in there). Leave everything else the same, then to the right click "Find"

    I have set up what is called an IGate at my location to serve Western Nebraska and Eastern Wyoming. An IGate is an internet Gateway. Ham radio stations with tracking equipment in their cars have their position sent out over the air. I have a transceiver located in Scottsbluff Nebraska which then pipes those position reports into the internet where anyone can see the current location of each ham radio station.

    The website is open to the public because - we are ham radio operators and we have nothing to hide! We are a public service and believe in offering our communications expertise when our fellow man/woman is in need and during disasters when all other means of communications fail.

    You can also enter callsigns of other hams in my area! Try any of the following:


    (Again.. note: Those are ZEROS in those callsigns)

    Pro Patri Vigilans! Death to Aztlan!!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Scottsbluff, Nebraska

    An additional idea...

    I would also like to make an imporant addition which would make the previous post even more effective.

    It has come to my attention that one Minuteman volunteer has chosen to use his home-built aircraft to fly the border occasionally. This is so effective, it isn't funny! One can spot illegal entrants quite easily from air and.. in the desert, there are few places to hide.

    With your assistance, there is a possibility we could also pool our resources together in finding ways to get a few more aircraft which can fly the long and treachurous borders. Not only would the aircraft themselves be of great benefit during daytime hours, but if properly outfitted with night-vision and infrared detection equipment for night use when more people cross than at any other time, the APRS-equipped border watchmen could then be notified by air in which direction to watch as the detected individuals are reported. Once they cross the border and have thus committed the crime, border patrol could literally be there waiting for them!

    The possibilities are endless. My goal is to find enough willing partners who could make it possible for me to physically go to the Southern border and to implement as much of this stuff as you make posssible.

    If you have any other ideas you would like to see placed at the border, please describe them to me! Together, we can accomplish more in just a couple of years than government could accomplish in an entire lifetime! Some things I would use your graciously donated funds for are as follows:

    1) Aircraft with night-vision and infrared heat sensing equipment: Quite espensive even if we DID have a couple thousand sending between $10.00 and $20.00 a month. I would leave it up to YOU as a group if you wanted your funds spent in this way... but please seen number two below

    2) Low altitude weather balloons tethered to the ground: These could be LOTS cheaper to fly at night than airplanes, and wouldn't result in human fatalities should there ever be attacks on any aviation object. These balloons could send infrared video to the operation center below. While some might be concerned that this would cause illegals to go somewhere else on the border to enter if they spot one of these balloons - they would be launched at night! They wouldn't be seen. They would be kept just high enough to see a large distance without going above FAA defined altitudes. If you go over a specified height, the object must be lighted. However, there would be ways to implement this capability!!

    On this object #2, if you spaced the balloons just right, there would BE NOWHERE to get through without being seen for 20 - 60 miles. And all it would take for such a distance are three or four balloons. Far cheaper than engine-powered aircraft and quite effective.

    What we need is a VIRTUAL fence, though. We would want to work toward automating as much as possible, with solar panels and equipment enclosed in fenced-in areas to prevent sabotage. Sensors would detect movement, measure the heat given off by living creatures. Human beings have a different heat signature than other animals and could be detected with automation.

    For now we need human intervention.


    How many are going to join with me?? Let me hear from you.

    Pro Patri Vigilans! Death to Aztlan!!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Scottsbluff, Nebraska

    Sound and Light Discipline

    Many of you haven't been in a night-time tactical operation and I felt perhaps I should explain another very viable technology which could easily be implemented on the border.

    Those of us with night tactical operations experience understand "Sound and Light Discipline". Light and sound must be kept down to extreme minimums. Currently there are radios being used for voice. It's quite difficult to speak intelligibly into a radio microphone without creating enough sound to give away your position. Same with light.

    As a ham radio operator, I've also utilized a low-bandwidth technology for text messaging over the airwaves, and it is called "Packet Radio". A radio is connected to a specialized radio modem (same as mentioned for use with APRS in the article above) and finally those items are connected to a laptop computer.

    Text messages can be sent and received quietly in this way without violating sound discipline rules.

    As I mentioned previously, the possibilities are endless and I have years and years of technical experience behind me to help in making many of these things happen. Funding and a few more pairs of hands is all that are required!

    Let's get busy, shall we?
    Pro Patri Vigilans! Death to Aztlan!!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Scottsbluff, Nebraska

    Painting the Target!

    Painting the Target!

    Scenario: Perpetrators crossing the border illegally are found using night vision equipment. We also have technology available to us which can use invisible infrared floodlights which can illuminate a group crossing the border at night. Using automobiles or aircraft outfitted with infrared detection gear, they can see the "painted target" in the dark from miles all around. Fly in, hover, turn on flood lights to illuminate the individuals making it a very simple matter to then move in and make the arrests.

    Yet another idea which could be implemented! Any questions?

    Pro Patri Vigilans! Death to Aztlan!!

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