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  1. #1
    saveamerica's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    American Tragedy: Current President Not Worth Celebrating!

    by John W. Lillpop

    Presidents' Day is a national holiday set aside to honor the great men who have served America as president. It is mean to include the current president.

    Unfortunately, the current occupant of the White House is worthier of ridicule than celebration.

    America is now paying the price for electing a man who is incapable of communicating well enough to pass an elementary speech class.

    George W. Bush is the worst communicator on the public stage anywhere in the world right now, and must surely be the least effective communicator ever to occupy, or even enter, the White House.

    Frankly, it is embarrassing to be an American when George W. Bush speaks. The man comes across as a clueless dimwit who compounds his problem with an arrogant smirk and haughty manner.

    An idiot with a smirk--that is our "conservative" president, all right!

    George W. Bush has squandered an excellent opportunity to change the course of history and expunge liberalism from the body politic, perhaps forever. But because of his incoherent speech, bumbling mismanagement, inattention to business, and arrogant malpractice, America has made no progress in winning the war on terror, reforming social security, controlling spending, and the national debt.

    During this incompetent man's tenure, America has nearly lost all credibility in the world.

    Worse of all, George W. Bush is attempting to convert America into a third-world cesspool by encouraging the illegal invasion of this nation by peasants from Mexico.

    Perhaps Bush does so knowing that, by comparison to non-English speaking illegal aliens, his own English will not seem so awful?

    This president's dismal performance has given America Nancy Pelosi as Speaker-elect and Harry Reid as Majority leader of the U.S. Senate.

    Only George W. Bush could make Donald Rumsfield look like a complete failure, while simultaneously elevating Cindy Sheehan to the status of Nobel Peace prize nominee.

    By the time Bush finishes his term, the nation will welcome Hillary Clinton and her legion of leftists with open arms.

    Just imagine what a pleasure it will be to once again have a president who can actually speak fluent English. Even if the words he/she speaks are leftist pap, at least it will be delivered in an intelligent and comprehensible fashion.

    Were he an honorable man who really cared about America, George W. Bush would announce that he is resigning the presidency, effective immediately.

    Bush would then be free to take his "Mission Accomplished" banner and "Spanish for Dummies" book with him and retreat to Crawford, Texas.

    Sad to say, but that is really George W. Bush's only hope for any thing approaching a positive legacy.

    John Lillpop is a recovering liberal, 'clean and sober' since 1992 when last he voted for a Democrat. Pray for John: He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, where people like Nancy Pelosi are considered reasonable! Writing is his passion. He loves creating lively copy with irony and humor!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Presidents Day is for is set aside to honor great Presidents. George Bush is not one of them. Look at the disgraceful way he is prancing around with the Mexican flag. What a Bufoon!

  3. #3
    Were he an honorable man who really cared about America, George W. Bush would announce that he is resigning the presidency, effective immediately.
    Very true words It is too bad that he is not honorable

  4. #4
    Senior Member Beckyal's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Bush really needs to leave office before he destroys America. He is going down as the worst president in America history.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    George W. Bush will go down in history as the dumbest and most incompetent man to ever hold power. He might go down as the man who destroyed America if he serves out the rest of his two year term. Bush is the most dangerous WMD on the planet right now.

  6. #6
    Cindy wrote:

    George W. Bush will go down in history as the dumbest and most incompetent man to ever hold power. He might go down as the man who destroyed America if he serves out the rest of his two year term. Bush is the most dangerous WMD on the planet right now
    Well said !

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