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Disney World's security tighter than U.S. border


"[quote:7xpsns4t]Illegal immigration is a serious problem. The first thing we got to understand as a country is that illegal immigration undermines the rule of law. It creates an underground economy. It can (sic) danger our national security. And therefore, we need to do something about it."
- President Bush, June 6, speaking to Border Patrol agents and trainees in New Mexico.
Because it uses its military to secure its own borders and charges people entering its nation illegally with a felony, we have only to look to Mexico to see that regarding borders and illegal immigration, enforcement works. Mexico enforces its immigration laws and deports more people per year than we do.
How xenophobic.
And then there is Disney World. Try jumping the fence into the Magic Kingdom and demanding to ride the rides "because I am here and we are all human beings."
Try overstaying your day pass on Uncle Walt's Main Street USA - whatever your ethnicity or national origin. Enforcement works there, too. I could go on.
I keep asking myself how long CEO George W. Bush would last with the stockholders of the Walt Disney Co.
After having been in office for five and a half years, the chief executive of the United States has now realized that it is the federal government's job to secure American borders. "We all agree we've got to enforce the borders," he told the crowd in New Mexico last week.
What he isn't saying - and what the large majority of the mainstream media is not asking - is why he has not done exactly that in almost five years since the Sept. 11 attacks when we have 20 million illegals in our republic. It is a group that is growing every day.
As you read this page, people from all over the world are walking into the United States illegally.
Imagine the furor if the federal government were not enforcing the Supreme Court ruling that says we must educate illegal aliens - or provide that group of self-proclaimed "victims" free medical care. Think about the cries of "profiling and discrimination" if we actually demand that they learn English.
In December, the U.S. House of Representatives approved the Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005. The bill is directed at securing our borders with a wall in about a third of our southern border.
But it is actually punishing the employers, who now stand a better chance of being struck by lightning that being sanctioned for hiring people who boast in American streets that they are here illegally while they demand unconditional citizenship just because they are here.
Employing an illegal alien is a felony. Assisting, transporting, harboring or encouraging an illegal alien to remain in the United States is also a felony. The penalties increase if done for commercial profit.
Making mortgage loans to illegal aliens leaps to mind here.
For someone here illegally, even if they are from Mexico, taking a job here is a felony. Using a fraudulent identification document, including a Social Security number is a felony. Accepting - or paying - wages that amount to more than $600 cash annually and not declaring the money to the IRS is a felony.
The House bill is regularly referred to in the media as an "enforcement only" bill.
It should be referred to as "enforcement finally." It is not much more than legislation saying that existing laws might be enforced. How "mean-spirited."
The most lamented provision of the House bill is that it "makes illegals felons."
Existing federal law clearly says entering the U.S. illegally is a crime, doing so the first time being a misdemeanor. Having been apprehended and removed from our nation of laws, re-entry into the U.S. is a felony.
Unless somebody makes it past our Border Patrol on the first attempt, never obtains a false ID and never works, they are in violation the law.
We should all remember these details as we watch the U.S. Senate and the president tell us "we cannot make felons out of immigrants." Immigrants by definition enter America lawfully and are welcomed. Real immigrants have no need

of the amnesty illegal aliens and their supporters are demanding.
Amnesty was tried, and failed, in 1986. Like the Senate's latest proposal, it was amnesty that applied to the employers and bankers as well as the aliens.
The majority of the senate and the president strive to repeat 1986 while our borders remain less secure than Mexico's. And Disney World's.

D.A. King is president of The Dustin Inman Society. For more information, visit [/quote:7xpsns4t]