This was posted from a Ron Paul supporter in a Ron Paul News update:

I did a little research and it seems the individual in charge of the decision to keep Ron Paul out the the Fox forum is Terri Everett. Her phone number is listed below and appears to be an office number with her voicemail only. I thought it'd be nice to fill her box with our (filtered) comments. PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL but firm in your complaint. Sure, we all know it's irrational lunacy that Dr. Paul is excluded; however, stooping to the level of Fox WILL NOT HELP . In fact, going Alec Baldwin on their asses and giving them an example to play on the air is not an intelligent idea on our part. If we're going mainstream with the r3volution, we have to display our free-thinking intelligence in a courteous manner, despite Fox's own tactics. I played around with whether or not I should share this, but I trust we'll all keep the good doctor's best interests in mind. Again, please be mature and respectful as you share your disappointment that Fox is excluding a strong candidate and your agreement with the NH GOP (who would have thought?)

Terri Everett