I tried to send each one of them this email at least 10 times and each time I got this message....
Sorry, an error has occured

What were Americans thinking when we chose to protect American sovereignty? What were Americans thinking when we instructed our Congress to triple the inadequate Border Patrol staff to hinder illegal immigration? What were millions of Americans thinking when replying to poll after nationwide poll with "NO" to llegal alien amnesty (including the "Guest Worker Bill" amnesty?) 80%-plus of Americans want our borders secured and our current immigration laws enforced. We were thinking that our elected officials would heed our oft-expressed wishes. They don't.
Our country's sovereignty and its unique and superior culture is being obliterated, largely by Mexico and the Third World because we no longer have "honorable" politicians representing us in Congress. The future of our republic, our children and our grandchildren faces doom because our government refuses to stop the continuing illegal aliens from the Third-World leftists.

With the Mexican government's continuing defiance of Americans' calls for secure borders and end to illegal immigration, our US government has no alternative but to close all ports of entry between the U.S. and Mexico.
Put a stop to this or come election time, you will be standing along side of millions of Americans in the unemployment lines.