Guest Column

To End Illegal Immigration, Just Erase Our Borders
By William Jud
Jul 7, 2006, 19:41

A Conceptual Model is a wonderful organizing and predictive tool.
Think of a Conceptual Model as the picture printed on a jigsaw puzzle. When you see the picture, you know where the individual puzzle pieces fit.

President Bush and the U.S. Senate are dragging their feet on stopping and deporting Illegal Aliens (not Illegal immigrants) who are swarming into our nation, mainly across the US/Mexico border. Why is this? Is this part of a larger pattern?

This official inaction is in spite of strong opposition to Illegal Aliens by 80% of U.S. citizens, including opposition by LEGAL immigrants from Mexico.

One becomes an Illegal Alien by illegally crossing a national border and illegally staying in the nation on that side of that border.

Folks in the White House and the U.S. Senate hatched a plan to end the problem of Illegal Aliens crossing our borders. Their plan is, Erase Our National Borders.

If there are no borders between these United States, Mexico, and Canada, then there can’t be any illegal border crossings. It’s like official praise for your contribution to end Global Warming greenhouse gas emissions because your car is broken and you cannot drive. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said he wants a similar continental borderless organization for a Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR).

This bit of official Washington D.C. stupidity and deception is a puzzle piece.

The Conceptual Model tells you where that piece fits, and what the finished puzzle will be.

For many years, the United Nations has agitated for Nations Without Borders. On the first day of a recent U.N. meeting, a huge map of the nations of the world was shown behind the speakers’ platform. On Day Two, many of the national borders had faded. On Day Three, national borders were gone.

All that remained was an image of the entire world. All nations were merged into a New World Order, ripe for plundering and corruption by United Nations Socialist World Government.

President Bush and his Presidential father, and former President Clinton, and several other recent Presidents, are ardent supporters of the New World Order. This is a direct violation of their Presidential Oath of Office to “… Preserve, Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Can you say Treason?

President Bush, Mexican President Fox, and (former) Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin met at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, on 23 March 2005. The meeting concerned the Security And Prosperity Partnership Of North America Agreement (SPP).

In May 2005 the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) published a report, Building A North American Community, as a blueprint for combining Mexico, the United States, and Canada into a North American Union, under NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), and patterned after the European Union. The CFR report was produced by the Independent Task Force On North America in cooperation with the Canadian Council Of Chief Executives and Mexico’s Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internationalies.

The U.S. Dollar and Canadian and Mexican currency are to be phased out and replaced with the Amero, similar to Euro currency.

Mid-term, the goal is to create a Western Hemisphere Community combining all of South, Central and North America into one geopolitical and trade unit under control of United Nations Socialist World Government. Long-term, the entire world is to come under control of the United Nations. Individual present nations, including the United States of America, will become U.N. client States. Have any elected officials asked you whether you approve of this Plan?

Can you say TREASON?

Mexico, the U.S., and Canada are to be connected by a ten-lanes superhighway and multiple railroad lines (see map at Kansas City will have an Inland Port of Trade officially designated as Mexican Soil (territory). Note that the nascocorridor map has no national borders.

The proposed North American Union is to have its own government, and will be self-governing. The new North American Union government will have jurisdiction over, and eventually supersede, our U.S. Congress and U.S. Constitution, and our State Legislatures and State Constitutions. A new North American Union court system will have jurisdiction over, and eventually supersede, our Supreme Court.

Can you say TREASON?

The Conceptual Model is United Nations’ Agenda 21. That is a U.N. plan to Rule The World. United Nations Socialist World Government will have absolute power and control. Enablers of this United Nations Socialist World Government Plan within the U.S. government are Traitors to these United States and to We The People U.S. Citizens.

“Absolute power,” Lord Acton noted, “corrupts absolutely.”

Returning to the jigsaw puzzle analogy, Bush Administration and Senate foot-dragging on Illegal Migration, Social Security lifetime retirement pay for Illegal Aliens, Hispanic contractor preferences on federal construction projects, amnesty, massive future legal immigration, free food stamps, free education, free social services and medical care for Illegal Aliens, and those other abominations proposed in the recent Senate bill (S. 2611) on immigration, are individual puzzle pieces. The Conceptual Model shows where to place those pieces in context, and what the completed puzzle picture will be.

Can you say TREASON?

President Bush and members of Congress would never have been elected if they had told We The People of their Plan to dissolve these United States, erase our borders, give away our national wealth, willingly accept Mexico’s excess and excessive population and corruption, and replace our U.S. Constitution and Representative Republic form of government with United Nations Socialist World Government.


Fortunately, national elections are coming in a few months. It is time for general government and legislative housecleaning. Throw out everyone who has been in Congress more than two terms in the Senate and six terms in the House of Representatives. Purge Congress and the bureaucracy of Socialists, Environmentalists, Communists and Collectivists.

This coming election may be our last chance to save these United States of America as a free, proud and independent nation.

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