This is my LASTEST email going out to ALL senators and representatives this week.

PLEASE copy and paste to an email and do likewise. They need to know a TASTE of the fear the elderly have of them and their socialism.

Sen: (or Rep

Please consider the following to be your "END OF POLITICAL CAREER COUNSELING."

The citizens and legal immigrants of the U.S., make these suggestions for ENDING your political career:

1. Vote FOR Obama's socialist health care plan against our wishes..

2. Vote FOR cap and trade against our wishes.

3. Vote FOR shamnesty for illegal aliens against our wishes.

4. Vote FOR ANY additional stimulus dollar being spent against our wishes.

5. DO NOT vote FOR making English the official language of the U.S., against our wishes.

6. DO NOT vote TO ABOLISH anchor babies automatic citizenship against our wishes.

Do NOT take this counseling LIGHTLY. YOUR future is in OUR hands!