Next Gop Debate: hot topics off limits?

byByron York Chief Political Correspondent
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Recent Republican presidential debates have featured sharp exchanges between candidates on immigration, No Child Left Behind, U.S. policy toward Pakistan, and Gov. Rick Perry's HPV virus directive in Texas, as well as controversies over audience reactions to questions about the death penalty and gays in the military. But those topics and more could be off the table at the next debate, set for Tuesday, October 11 at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, which organizers have decided to restrict to a single subject: the economy.

"With the nation facing sustained high unemployment as well as concern over deficits, weak growth and a possible double-dip recession, the Bloomberg/Washington Post debate will devote the entire program to a substantive exploration of the candidates' specific plans for a national economic recovery," says a release from Bloomberg News. The debate will be moderated by public television's Charlie Rose.

There's no doubt the economy is the most important subject on voters' minds this campaign season, and the topic is broad enough to include a wide range of issues. Social Security, for example, has been the subject of harsh exchanges between Perry and frontrunner Mitt Romney. But it's also true that in previous debates, non-economic topics have made for some of the most revealing moments. Perry's "no heart" remark at the Fox News-Google debate in Orlando did enormous damage to his campaign. Likewise, Michele Bachmann's discussion of the HPV virus at the previous Republican debate, in Tampa, led Perry to make a rare admission of error. Rick Santorum used a question about Pakistani nuclear weapons to score points against Perry, as well.

It's unclear whether viewers will find the new format refreshing or constricted. As for the candidates and their aides -- they don't quite know what to expect. "They really haven't said more than 'the economy,'" says a representative of one campaign, referring to debate organizers. "Not fully determined, I'm told," says a representative of another campaign. "All they have told us is that it will be on financial issues," says a representative of yet another campaign. "There's even a portion of the debate that features candidate-to-candidate questions, and they have asked that they be financial in nature. That's all the guidance they have given us."

Asked for details on what topics will and not be allowed at the debate, a Bloomberg spokesman said, "The debate will focus exclusively on issues related to the economy, debt, deficits, taxes, trade and jobs -- the topic most on the minds of American

The debate, which will be the first face-off in New Hampshire since June, will have a different look from previous sessions as well. "The candidates will outline their economic and job creation proposals in a unique format: seated side-by-side at a round table facing the hosts and surrounded by audience members," a Bloomberg news release says. "This format will facilitate serious and substantive debate on issues of vital importance to the country."

In addition to Rose, the debate will feature questions from the Washington Post's Karen Tumulty and Bloomberg TV's Julianna Goldman. It is set to begin at 8 p.m. Tuesday and will air on Bloomberg TV and WBIN in New Hampshire.

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