Taken from tammybruce.com:

The madness continues. Reports are that the U.S. is backing Former Thai Foreign Minister Surin Pitsuwan for the post. "Moderate Muslim" is one thing, he also happens to hail from the nation that hosts the international child sex slave trade. Yeah, no corruption there.

Annan's term is up on December 31, 2006. He won the Nobel Peace Prize even though he presided over the 1994 Rwandan genocide as field leader for the U.N. Peacekeepers, and has sat back and watched the Darfur genocide without taking any action. That action, btw, should include going into Sudan whether that Islamist government likes it or not. To say nothing of being so incompetent all the maniacal rogue nations on Earth got the bomb under his watch. The Nobel Peace Prize. What a pathetic joke.

U.S. to back Thai Muslim as UN chief: paper

BANGKOK (Reuters) - Former Thai Foreign Minister Surin Pitsuwan, a Muslim with wide international respect, emerged on Thursday as a possible last-minute candidate to replace Kofi Annan as United Nations Secretary-General.

Citing "informed sources," Thailand's Nation newspaper said Surin was about to receive backing from the United States, who felt he was a "strong candidate.

There are about 7 people with their hat in the ring for this job, which pays about $250,000 a year, and you get a free mansion in New York. And pretty much all your expenses are paid as well. To say nothing of the bribes and kickbacks you can get from tyrants around the world.

There is one person in particular who would be perfect for the job, but because of political correctness (in this instance, the demand that an Asian get the top spot) it's understood she does not really have a chance--that being Vaira Vike-Freiberga, the president of Latvia. A remarkable woman with the background, experience and commitment to democracy and reform that could actually make the UN helpful in the world, as opposed to a propagator of genocide and hopelessness.

Vaira Vike-Freiberga, the president of Latvia, who should be UN Secretary General, but probably doesn't have a chance because she's neither Muslim nor Asian. As Frank Sinatra would croon, instead we will send in the clowns.