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California Dream Act: Governor Signature Encourages Illegal Immigration? (Poll)

The California Dream Act has been signed by Governor Jerry Brown. Will it now encourage illegal immigration and further undermine current laws on the books? How does the legislation affect state financial aid for legal citizens?

Part I of the California Dream Act

In July state legislators, led by the Democrats, crossed the first hurdle when part 1 of the controversial Act was signed by Governor Brown. Many voiced concerns about the radical move, and a bipartisan approach seemed almost impossible as many voted along party lines, citing a Fox News report.

However, after many panel discussions, town hall meetings, letters to lawmakers, and public outcries, part 1 was signed. The Dream Act then allowed undocumented immigrants the right to seek private loans and scholarships for higher education.

Part II Signed by Governor Jerry Brown Gives Illegal Immigrants Full Access to Financial Aid

"Going to college is a dream that promises intellectual excitement and creative thinking," Jerry Brown said after putting his signature to the controversial Act.

The completed California Dream Act now gives illegal immigrants the right to attend colleges and universities with the help of public state funds and loans.

However, it has two caveats: Undocumented immigrants must prove they are actively working towards full US citizenship. The other is they must wait until legal citizens apply for public financial aid first.

In support of the Dream Act for California, Liberals, in defense of the new piece of legislation, believe that children should not have to suffer because their parents immigrated here illegally.

This echoes a statement Texas Governor Rick Perry said during a GOP debate. He too would support the new measure in his state, as he believes all children have a right to an education.

Opponents of the California Dream Act: "What part of illegal do we not get? When people come here illegally they need to come here with the same rules and regulations that other people came here with," said a Tea Party supporter.

Now, it's your turn. Do you support the move by the state of California and the signing of the Dream Act? Does it amount to political altruism for illegal aliens, and pits a designated group against law-abiding tax payers in the state? Will it encourage an increase in illegal immigration as undocumented immigrants see it as incentive to break the laws?

Please share your thoughts below, and take part in the poll after the jump.
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