Rose-colored glasses

After reading Ms. Carolina Busse's letter (June 23) regarding Ms. Sue Baker's column (June 21), I had to respond.
When the Romeoville Burger King opened up at Weber Road, they had only Spanish-speaking workers.

I cannot have onions, and don't care for tomatoes, and both come automatically on a Whopper. I asked at the pay window if she got the special order on the Whopper, she smiled and said yes. She had no clue what I had just said. She only knew the English words for specific food items.

I pick up my meal, and of course it was made with onions and tomatoes. I go in and every cashier is Spanish-speaking and doesn't have any idea of what I'm saying.

I ask for a manager. Somebody smiles and says, "Oh yes." They come with a Spanish-speaking person who knows very little English. They, too, have no clue. I finally had to open the sandwich, take off a tomato and onion, hold them up and say no. Only then did they get a clue.

I called the next day hoping to find an English-speaking manager and found one, the only one. I explained the situation, he apologized for the fiasco and explained to me that his hands are tied. He was sent to this store from a different store and walked into this mess.

He told me he's trying to get English-speaking employees, but every time he gets one they quit because they cannot communicate with the other employees!

It's great they're trying to better themselves, but they need to fit into the country they have chosen to live in. This means speaking English. What's even worse, my son was denied job after job because he didn't speak Spanish!

That's what happens when people wear rose-colored glasses like Ms. Carolina Busse wears