Pro-Illegal-Immigrant Crowd Gets Nasty

by Human Events
Posted: 06/04/2007

The immigration bill currently being debated on the floor of the U.S. Senate and in the national media has caused a rift among conservatives and Republicans.

The Senate bill would provide immediate legal status for the 12 to 20 million illegal aliens currently in the United States.

Yet, proponents of the bill claim that there are no amnesty provisions in the bill. Instead, they claim that because there are only temporary, probationary visas in the bill and no illegal immigrant will be granted immediate citizenship or a special path to citizenship, no amnesty exists.

The debate over the amnesty bill has allowed the members of the hard-line, law-and-order side of the conservative base of the Republican Party to tout their national security, anti-illegal-immigration bona fides.

It has also revealed the ugly side of many amnesty supporters. The vitriolic and nasty rhetoric from many Republicans should help American citizens understand who has their best interests at heart.

Below are some of the good, bad and ugly statements made in the amnesty fight.

The Good

“Naturally I hope the new immigration bill fails. It is less a bill than a big dirty ball of mischief, malfeasance and mendacity, with a touch of malice, and it’s being pushed by a White House that is at once cynical and inept.â€