Readers' letters: Aug. 8, 2007 ... 7708080367
Published: Wednesday, August 8, 2007 - 2:00 am

Letter to the Editor of the Greenville News

Fed up with illegal immigration mess

This is the first time I've ever written a letter to editor. I feel I can no longer be silent about all the illegal immigrants in not only our country but our own state.

I am an American citizen. So are my parents, grandparents (both sides), great-grandparents, etc. I have no problem with people from different countries. What really gets me are the ones who are here illegally. I have friends who are from Honduras, Venezuela, England, South Africa, France, Mexico, Spain and Germany. We (my husband and I) have a very diverse and completely legal group of friends.

My husband is from Germany, and has been here in the States for 10 years now. My question and his too: Is the government going to refund all the money he had to pay just to get a legal work visa and then his green card? Who's going to refund all the attorney's fees he had to pay just to stay, work and live here? I was and am so thrilled that the immigration bill did not pass! I can't believe that Sen. Lindsey Graham actually believes he is doing the "right thing" by allowing these illegal immigrants to stay here scot-free!

I am so fed up with all the Spanish speaking voice mail prompts on every business message, Spanish TV channels, special programs to educate, provide medical care and food provisions. What can we do about this situation? We don't even treat our own citizens with as much care and good will as we do these illegal immigrants!

--Faith H. Hagl, Simpsonville