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Liberty Matters

October 12, 2006
Location of Trans Texas Corridor Revealed

Within one week of filing over 200 Open Records Requests with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDoT), 253 secret pages of the contract to build the Trans Texas Corridor were released revealing maps locating the main roads, all access points, highway intersections, and rail lines. The Attorney General and TxDoT also settled their case and had it dismissed fearing a third party might intervene and depose state employees. Members of the Texas Legislature, who voted several times for this concept and the governor's office, are all denying that the TTC will ever be built, but evidence proves otherwise. "The maps are too detailed and engineered to be mere concepts," stated Dan Byfield, president of the American Land Foundation. "Investors have sunk billions of dollars into this project to build deep-water ports in Mexico and an inland port in Kansas City. Cintra-Zachry, the construction company that 'won' the contract from TxDoT, paid over $1.2 billion for the privilege of building a road. Then, Zachry Construction Company, in 2006, purchased W.W. Webber, LLC, the construction company that had multiple contracts to build major highways in the state of Texas, for another billion dollars. That is an incredible amount of investment for something that is not going to be built," Byfield continued. The contract can be viewed online at