To attempt to make sure we keep supporting the problem........enter.............the "Controlled Oppostion Coalition"
At the first level is the "generic conservative groups". They have many issues and they claim illegal immigration is one of them. But since they have many issues, they know they won't get all of them so somebody will have to get sold out....and guess who that is? You know who they are. Maybe pro-life judges are their real issue or maybe "At least Bush is right on some things" is their motto, but the result is the same thing....they continue to support the problem and therefore provide no incentive for change.

But our numbers and activism has grown to the point where the generic multi-issue conservative groups can no longer be counted on to deliver us as a voting block to the republican party.A specialist group is required. Of course this group must be headed by a loyal republican who will do the tour, talk the talk, but deliver the republican party this voting block no matter what. Sound familiar?

The antidote:
Take the Patriots Pledge
“If guest worker amnesty for illegal aliens becomes law I will vote against EVERY republican (at all levels) on the ballot on Election Day 2006"