DC Transit Authority Refuses to Pull ‘Go to Hell Barack’ Metro Ad, Says it‘s ’Protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution’
Posted on March 2, 2012 by Conservative Byte
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In a move its creator says was “designed to express the magnitude of anger over our move toward socialized medicine,” Independent filmmaker Logan Darrow Clements is standing by his decision to use the phrase, “Go to hell Barack” in a DC Metro advertisement for his movie Sick & Sicker. Not only that, but the DC-area transit agency is standing by the ad as well.

“I’m extremely upset the government is going to take over health care. I’m not mildly upset. I’m extremely upset,” Clements said.

An advertisement for Clements’ movie in the Clarendon Metro station states: “Barack Obama wants politicians and bureaucrats to control America’s entire medical system.”

It adds: “Go to hell Barack.”

DC Transit Authority Refuses to Pull