NBC2 Investigators Immigration & Health Care: The Hidden Cost


By Paul LaGrone on November 7th, 2007 at 6:40 am
As I write this, somewhere in Southwest Florida there are illegal immigrants getting free health care at your expense.

That statement is not meant to anger you. It’s not meant to arouse resentment against people who have risked their lives to come to America. It’s not even meant to make you feel like you’re being taken advantage of.

The fact that you - you who have medical insurance - are paying for someone else’s medical care should lead you not to outrage but to curiosity. It should make you start asking questions like: How much are we really paying? Are immigrants completely to blame? What’s more costly, illegal immigration or citizens without health insurance?

That is where our investigation picks up. We are asking the tough questions for you and the answers we uncover will give you a new perspective on illegal immigration and health care.

It’s a more informed view than the one political pundits and loud-mouthed radio talk show hosts spew out over the airwaves to incense the masses.

The reality is illegal immigrants are costing you. But as our investigation uncovered, someone else is costing you more. And the thing that should really raise your eyebrows is why the true cost-burden of illegal immigration on local hospitals is hidden from the public.

All these questions will be answered and more when our investigation airs tonight on NBC2 News at 6.

For a preview and a behind the scenes, exclusive look at how it’s being put together PLUS what did not make it into the final piece

Very good video at the web link listed above