I just sent this letter to Senator McCain:

Senator McCain,

I have watched you on your presidential campaign debates quoting your service to the United States, using your being a veteran and POW as your mantra. We always hear about the sacrifices made by our servicemen, but never about the sacrifices made by the families.

I was a military wife during the Vietnam era. My brother-in law was a POW for nine years, my other brother-in law was killed in battle. My husband and my marriage was a casualty of Vietnam. I know first hand how war can destroy families, not just the servicemen. My husband disappeared in 1974 without any trace. That’s three destroyed families, ten children that basically grew up without fathers, three woman that had to raise and support these children.

How did we do it? We did it by working two to three jobs. Seventy hour work weeks. You know those jobs that Americans won’t do.

I have to believe for every homeless veteran, for every veteran suffering from the effects of war there is a family suffering right along. There is a mother working to raise and feed her family. Our nation may forget these woman, but they too have sacrificed for their families and their country.

My reason for writing this Senator McCain is; We have another war going on where our troops are being deployed over and over. We know what this is already doing to our men, but what about the families? There are going to be broken families. Once again the mothers are going to have to take on the responsibilities of raising the children. I worry that these mothers are not going to find the jobs needed with all the outsourcing and illegal immigrants taking the jobs that we once did.

So when I see you spouting your mantra it makes me mad. I hold you accountable, you of all people have let down the families of the men that served with you. Were you so blinded by your service that you didn’t see what happened to the men and the families that served with you?

I would like for you to tell me how you can justify giving amnesty to illegal aliens making it harder for the families of veterans to survive?