I am a proud American descendant of irish immigrants...some of whom served and died in the civil war with, among others, the "irish brigade" they had to spill blood (and lots of it read about Antietam) to earn their rights. don't compare yourselves (pro-immigrant lobby) unless you are willing to make the same kinds of sacrifices...what you are serving is lip service. you are no civil rights movement and not one among you is as inspired and righteous as the Rev. Dr. M.L. King jr. you are nothing less than ORGANIZED CRIME! How can I be a racist when I say "send these irish home!" why doesnt mexico take them, as apparently they are more open than we and full of so much advice and counsel. lead by example fox take these poor irish in... or would they undercut mexican labor? Irish lobby go away! Stop trying to hijack my government! http://www.irishlobbyusa.org/