Ok folks this fight is on!

Ive been told that the Charlotte police were holding a press conference at 4pm today to respond, but we have no word on what happened yet.

We need everyone to stay cool and focused.

The traffic moving through our website is huge! This site is doing what it is designed to do as so many Americans come to the web looking for information about illegal immigration.

We are already over 50,000 pages read today and we have 7 hours left in the count.

New members are signing up left and right.

We need everyone to

1. Start calling the entire US Senate. The message is simple "No Guest Worker, No Amnesty, No Visa expansion. Enforce our existing laws. Anyone that votes for a Guest Worker Program will become unelectable."

2. Scan the web for any news on these issues and please post any online polls you find in our polls section. Check the polls section each day and cast your vote! All of the polls are in our favor and we need you to direct other activists to vote in them.

3. Get on the phones to every large and small talk radio show you can find. Tell the nation how angry you are about these foreign nationals out in our streets making demands of Amnesty/Guest Worker of Americans. Get on the talk radio shows and let your voice be heard!

4. Everyone around is talking about this now. Direct them to ALIPAC. Tell them to put up or shut up. Time to get active. Time to organize with others.

5. Fan out across the web and get on as many forums as you can. Engage in the debate, post news updates, and give them links here. Use the ALIPAC Discussion Boards as your platform of operations to reach out to others and direct them to our organizing point here.

We have a very talented and hard working team assembled here, now it's time for us to do what we have all been training to do.

If you are new, feel free to ask questions but we need you in our operations as soon as possible.
