I see our country’s free cheese faction is already outraged that Trump wants to deny welfare to immigrants, at least for the first five years.

See: Dear President Trump: Welfare Saved Immigrant Families Like Mine

”If President Trump can’t build a border wall out of concrete, he will repel immigrants with his own cruelty. That was, at least, my thought as I listened to Trump’s latest foray into un-American xenophobia, disguised as usual as patriotism.”

“Those seeking immigration into our country must be able to support themselves financially and should not use welfare for a period of at least five years,” he said during a Wednesday night rally in Iowa that had him going after his favorite straw men: the media, Democrats, immigrants, China.”

So, the writer insists such a ban on free government cheese is “xenophobia, disguised as usual as patriotism.” But the fact is, such a ban is common sense and in harmony with our forefathers thinking.

Let us recall what Representative BURKE says during our Nations` first debate on a RULE OF NATURALIZATION, FEB. 3RD, 1790

Mr. BURKE thought it of importance to fill the country with useful men, such as farmers, mechanics, and manufacturers, and, therefore, would hold out every encouragement to them to emigrate to America. This class he would receive on liberal terms; and he was satisfied there would be room enough for them, and for their posterity, for five hundred years to come. There was another class of men, whom he did not think useful, and he did not care what impediments were thrown in their way; such as your European merchants, and factors of merchants, who come with a view of remaining so long as will enable them to acquire a fortune, and then they will leave the country, and carry off all their property with them. These people injure us more than they do us good, and, except in this last sentiment, I can compare them to nothing but leeches. They stick to us until they get their fill of our best blood, and then they fall off and leave us. I look upon the privilege of an American citizen to be an honorable one, and it ought not to be thrown away upon such people. There is another class also that I would interdict, that is, the convicts and criminals which they pour out of British jails. I wish sincerely some mode could be adopted to prevent the importation of such; but that, perhaps, is not in our power; the introduction of them ought to be considered as a high misdemeanor.

There was a time not too long ago when I grew up (1940s and 50s) when the able-bodied were ashamed to accept home relief, a program created by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1931 when he was Governor. Now, our nation is infested with able bodied ticks and fleas who not only demand welfare, but use it to buy beer, wine, drugs, sex, and Lotto tickets, while hard working wage earners have been made into tax slaves to support the economic needs of those who have invaded America’s borders.


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance a maternity ward for the poverty stricken populations of other countries who invade America’s borders to give birth.