I typed in "illegal alien" and a new Google feature provided this:

http://www.google.com/trends?q=illegal+ ... ll&geo=all

The graph shows volumes of search queries and news stories.

To the side are links to news stories.

Note the blurb about using commas to compare search term results.

Google's goody may be handy for activists to see how recent events, media coverage, etc. affects how the general public responds.

For the part-time or minimalist activist the Google goody is likely of minimal assistance to their efforts.

But, for those actively engaged and/or using "scientific methods" to fight the good fight, especially organized groups, the Google device may be an effective tool.

Make sure you try various search terms!!!!

Hmmmm...... let's try "La Raza."

http://www.google.com/trends?q=%22La+Ra ... ll&geo=all

Interesting, not one USA city shown. I thought the American public newly exposed to the invasion due to TV coverage might seek out that term. Could it be the TV media avoided that term thus not exposing the public to an organization that is a threat to the USA? Perhaps activists should spend more time informing others about the LA Raza organization!!!!!!

Here's a comparison between La Raza, Mecha, LULAC

http://www.google.com/trends?q=La+Raza, ... ll&geo=all

Hope this tool is useful to at least a few of y'all.