I am very frustrated tonight when I was watching Fox and they were harping on the bad economy, loss of jobs, the stock market and they did a segment on several hospitals losing millions of dollars and some that will have to close.

WHY DON'T PEOPLE GET THIS AND UNDERSTAND THIS???? They were talking about even insureds now coming in and not paying their bills (when they have insurance). But without that, why do people not realize that people who have no insurance and use hospitals as their physician care and then they don't pay . . . WHAT DO THEY EXPECT??? Who can't understand that when you cater to illegals, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET PAID???

I truly feel everything that is going wrong with our nation today stems for illegals and our loss of morality!!! They are draining us dry of every resource this great country has!! Look at all the gas they use, ALL THE MONEY THEY SEND BACK TO THEIR CORRUPT mexico, the taxes they do not pay, the hospital and doctor bills they do not pay, the anchor babies that get free healthcare, the low wages they earn as slave labor, the strain on our education system, the jobs they are taking . . . WHY CAN'T PEOPLE SEE THIS??

I also got frustrated today when I was reading our local newspaper and how metro schools are pushing immersion of spanish now!!! That soon it will not be an option and all the children in the metro schools will have to learn spanish. It showed one little American girl working on a spanish project for HISPANIC WEEK!!!!!


I feel like I am living in the twilight zone!!!!