Another upstanding ICE agent is slated to be destroyed like Ramos and Compean. In a nutshell, he's a whistleblower. He leaked info about District Attorney Bill Ritter when Ritter was running for Gov of Colorado. Ritter sucks up to illegals. For example, after vetoing legislation to give illegals drivers licenses, he made a backdoor deal that lets illegals get drivers licenses in Colorado.

While Ritter was DA, he released 152 illegals by charging them with "agricultural trespass" in Denver. There is no farmland in Denver so the "ag trespass" charge is baloney, just an excuse to release illegals. Ritter released drug dealers/smugglers and other illegal alien criminals. At least one later raped a lady in California.

Now ICE Agent Voorhis has been suspended from work and they are trying to stop his pay while he awaits trial. Other people accessed the same database and released info about illegals, yet Voorhis is the only one charged with a crime for leaking.

Equally outrageous, the prosecution is citing the Privacy Act . . . prosecuting an ICE Agent in part to protect the privacy of criminal illegal aliens? How sick and insane!

You can read more about Agent Voorhis at

You can also contact the person in charge of the case, Special Agent Jeff Copp, and demand that he not stop the ICE Agent's salary and demand that the Federal Government drop this political witchhunt case: or call 303-721-3002.
His office has been denying that Jeff Copp can do anything, claiming it's someone "higher up" but so far they won't reveal who the higher-up person is. If anyone learns anything of interest, please post about it here. Thanks!
