so we can throw it in the governments' face as it all comes true. Sort of like a time capsule open to review at any time so the government will realize that we are not idiots and we KNOW what they have done and are doing to us.

1. Illegal mexicans in 1 out of every 4 truckloads.
2. Illegal mexican truck drivers (criminals of every kind) leaving their loads at the U.S. dock to melt into the illegal U.S. mexican underground.
3. Three million MORE illegal mexicans added to OUR society and welfare/medical systems by 9/2008 as a result of expedited human trafficking (by truck).


Let's make our definitive list and show these morons (especially monkey face) as the crimes transpire throughout the year that we are very knowledgeable about the outcome of this disaster and exaclty WHO betrayed us.