This is an interesting post I took off

I haven't given too much thought to our governors, but they are being allowed to stay in the shadows of illegal immigration.

Maybe it's time we start putting more pressure on them !!

Demand Your Governor Arrest Your US Senators for Treason and Send the National Guard to the Mexican Border to Defend the Nation
We Can No Longer Trust the President or the US Senate to Defend the Nation!!!!

We have literally begged our elected officials in Washington to defend the nation from the Mexican invasion.

They refuse!!!!

The Senate has sold out to big business and selfish political interest!!!!

We are a Nation set adrift by our corrupt politicians!!!!

George Bush continues to choose family and greed over the good of the country!!!

George the 1st is in bed with the Saudis, so Junior attacks Iraq and not the real enemy, Saudi Arabia!!!!!

Jeb Bush is in bed with a Mexican Immigrant, so Bubba surrenders to the Mexican Invasion!!!!

This nonsense must stop now!!!

It is time to turn the voters wrath on our Governors!!!! They have been conspicuous by their silence in the face of a full-scale Mexican Invasion!!!! Conspicuous by their silence concerning the destruction of our educational, welfare and health systems!!!! Conspicuous by their silence as US Senators commit treason before our very eyes!!!!

Why do we pay the fools in our State Houses, if not to uphold the laws of our land????? Under the Civial War Era Posse Comatatus laws, each State's Governor commands the National Guard!!!

It is time to demand that our Governors deploy armed National Guard Troops to the Mexican Border to repel the Mexican Invasion!!!!!

Furthermore, it is time that we demand that our Governors arrest members of the US Senate for Treason!!!!! We must force our Governors to use their constitutional authority to prevent the Congress of the United States from destroying our nation!!!

Call, write and e-mail your Governor!!!!!

It is time that we march on our state houses and demand that our Governors stand-up and be counted in defense of our nation!!!!